WOOD - Nature’s Stroke of Genius.
Why Wood ?
In the 21st Century, we face an onslaught of bad news from around the world when it comes to the environment.
Despite knowing more about the sources of our environmental woes than ever before, it often feels like we just can’t get ahead of the curve. That’s one reason we are so excited about solid hardwood furniture. Wood is good, as they say, because it is an incredible green solution for residence hall furniture.
There are a lot of reasons to be excited about wood, so let’s break it down and examine why wood is the most sustainable furniture material and why you should choose solid wood furniture for your home or office needs.
1. Wood Is Renewable
First of all, wood is the most environmentally friendly raw material. It’s renewable. In fact, wood is the only building material made from sun, rain, and carbon from the air. It’s infinitely replenishable and renewable. That’s amazing when you think about it.
Wood is a raw material that grows and replenishes itself every year. A lot of folks wonder if it’s environmental to cut down trees. Luckily, with selective harvesting--in contrast to clearcutting--it’s not a problem. In fact, it’s great for forest health And trees grow everywhere.
2. Wood Is Good For The Climate
Wood products are healthy for our climate and prevent climate change. First, trees absorb carbon throughout their life. They take it out of atmosphere and store it in their trunks as they grow. But it doesn't end there.
When trees are turned into wood products they continue to store that carbon. By using solid hardwood furniture, we are preventing climate change and the greenhouse effect.
But it doesn’t stop there. Eventually, we can reclaim the solar energy stored in wood at the end of the product life cycle by burning wood for energy. Re-using wood for energy like this is a great way to displace dirty, non-renewable, and carbon-emitting energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas.
Compared to oil, coal and natural gas, burning wood creates clean energy and no waste.
3. Wood Means Zero Waste
Here’s another reason why wood is so good from a sustainability perspective. Because of improvements in technology over the last few decades, wood manufacturing has become a zero waste industry. What does that mean?
Bi-products from every stage of the production process can be reused and repurposed. When wood is harvested, a percentage of it is processed into lumber, some of it is converted into other wood products, and still more of it is recovered for energy production. But none of it goes to waste.
4. Wood Is Durable And Lasts A Long Time
Relative to it’s weight, wood is the strongest building material on the planet. It’s extremely resilient and requires little maintenance (just think about trees!).
Unlike plastic laminate, wood laminate, and other engineered woods, wood can have multiple lifetimes through refinishing.
5. Wood Scores High On Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
When considering sustainable furniture for your residence hall, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a key consideration. LCA is a “holistic, scientific approach that considers the resources consumed and the emissions released during a product’s manufacture, use, and disposal.”
And according to studies, compared to non-wood products, wood consistently comes out on top. The one ‘trouble spot’ for wood, when it comes to LCA, is the spike in energy required for the kiln drying and treating process.
We offset this energy consumption by using wood byproducts from our milling process as fuel to power our kilns. In doing so, we minimize both our carbon and energy footprint while eliminating waste.
Do We Really Want To Cut Down Trees?
A lot of people shy away from the idea of cutting down trees. And for good reason. For many years, the timber industry was poorly regulated. Unrestrained clear-cutting eliminated priceless old-growth forests around the planet.
Clear-cutting timber companies also razed virgin rainforests, destroying habitat and ecosystems and contributing to a sharp increase in species extinction. At the time, there was widespread ignorance about the devastating ecological impact of clear-cutting.
In the early ‘90s, that started to change. Among other things, environmental groups, citizens, and consumers started to lobby and demand oversight and better logging practices.
Since that time, an enormous amount of reforestation has taken place. And now, stringent third party certification standards, like FSC C-O-C, ensured the environmental pedigree of wood products.
Wood delivers more and with little or no cost to the environment. Wood products just have a lighter overall footprint.
The Wood experts owns plantations in Tamil Nadu. At present, the group holds few hundred acres of coffee, pepper and cardamom plantations in foothills of Kodai, Till 2013, we harvested only the most premium variety of Timber Silver Oak species and supplied these to domestic wholesalers, processors and traders. Today we trade in the finest quality Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, working with some of the finest brands in India.
Well-making wood
Wooden houses have happy inhabitants. Studies conducted so far indicate that wooden materials create pleasant living surroundings in terms of humidity and acoustics, as well as contribute to reduced stress levels, among other benefits.
Wood can absorb humidity based on the surrounding conditions and temperature. This improves the indoor climate of wooden houses especially if the interiors are also decorated with wood.
Stress reduction
School children in timber buildings experience less stress, have fewer conflicts and concentrate better. These are findings from a Human Research Institute study where two classes, one located in a wooden classroom and the other in different surroundings, were compared.
Wooden interiors create a pleasant acoustic environment. The sounds can be described as “softer” than the ones in interiors designed with other materials. Wooden interiors also seem to have a calming effect on blood pressure and pulse. Additionally, a study conducted in elderly homes indicates that wooden interiors have a positive effect on the social life of the elderly.
The usage of wood in construction has been rising in many markets recently. As a renewable and sustainable material, it brings interesting opportunities for the construction industry. The characteristics of wood can make buildings special for their inhabitants as well.

1. Eradicates C02 from the atmosphere , creates zero waste and produces energy.

2. Using wood creates a greater basis for planting new trees.

3. Requires less energy to process, transport , construct and maintain.

4. Easily adaptable compared to other construction materials.

5. Has a pleasant smell, Varied texture and sophisticated appearance.

6. The only renewable building material.

7. Provides better insulation from cold and heat than other building materials.

8. Needs 17% less energy and generates 26% less greenhouse gases than steel.

9. Generates less construction and operational costs than other materials.